Bushido Bulletin March 2020


Important Deadlines
March 10, 2020 – All rule change proposals must be submitted to uskaratealliance@gmail.com or P.O. Box 20609, Albuquerque, NM 87154
March 11, 2020 – Room Reservations: Call 1-800-228-9290 and mention USKA Karate Nationals or Register online with the hotel link at uskaratealliance.com
March 25, 2020 – Registration for Tournament: All registration is online at uskaratealliance.com or by mail at P.O. Box 20609, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87154 THERE IS NO REGISTRATION AT THE DOOR.
Schedule of Events
Friday, April 3
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. General Assembly Meeting
12:00 – 5:00 p.m. pickup up your registration packets
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Tournament PromotersMeeting
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Score Keeper, Rules and Referee Certification
5:30 – 8:30 Bracketing for all Saturday Divisions
5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Kata Seminar Hakutsuru Sho taught by Sensei Guy Holtzman
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Weapons Seminar taught by Sensei Steve Flores
8:30 – 10:00 p.m. Hall of Fame Meeting
Saturday, April 4
8:30 a.m. Registration Pickup Table Open
10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Competition: Ippon, Chanbara, Team Kata, Weapons, Black Belt Adult Kata
5:30 p.m – 8:30 p.m. Bracketing for Sunday Divisions
6:30 – 8:00 p.m. – Sparring and Training Seminar by Sensei Josh Quayhagen and Sensei Adrian Galvan
Sunday, April 5
8:00 a.m. Registration Table Open
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Competition
Kata – all ranks and ages except for Adult Black Belt Kata, which is Saturday. Fighting – all ranks and ages
6:45 p.m. Finals Competitor Line Up
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – USKA National Finals Competition
Kata Seminar Friday April 3 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Mr. Guy Holtzman, 8 th Dan Matsumura Seito, is teaching Hakutsuru Sho. Hakutsuru Sho is the first kata in the White Crane System. Mr. Holtzman is a many-time Nationals Kata Grand Champion and Worlds Kata Grand Champion. He is a student of Hanshi Phillip Koeppel and one of the Chief Instructors under Sensei Nobuichi Roy Oyakawa, a White Crane practitioner. Mr. Holtzman is also the Pacific Coast Regional Representative and a Hall of Fame Member. Register online at uskaratealliance.com. Registration for this seminar will also be at the door.
Weapons Seminar Friday April 3 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Steven Flores, 7 th Dan Shotokan, is teaching the weapons seminar. Mr. Flores has won the Worlds Black Belt Weapons Grand Championship on numerous occasions and has also won the Nationals Black Belt Weapons Grand Championship. Mr. Flores is the New Mexico State Representative, a Kobudo Board Co-Chair and a Hall of Fame Member. Register online at uskaratealliance.com or at the door.
Sparring and Training Seminar Saturday April 4 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
This seminar will be taught by Mr. Joshua Quayhagen and Mr. Adrian Galvan. Mr. Quayhagen is an 8 Time USKA World Grand Champion and has won several USKA National Grand Championships. He is the defending 2019 National Kumite Grand Champion. Mr. Quayhagen has been fighting in USKA Tournaments since he was four years old. Mr. Quayhagen has had several televised fights with Karate Combat. He is the head karate instructor and MMA coach for his team of professional and amateur fighters. Mr. Quayhagen is also an assistant youth pastor at his church and has founded his own non-profit organization that brings his message of what it means to be a Peaceful Warrior to the local schools.
Mr. Galvan was a member of the U.S. National Karate Team and he has competed around the world in International Events. Mr. Galvan grew up in the USKA setting numerous records which include 9-Time USKA National Kumite Grand Champion. 7-Time USKA World Kumite Grand Champion, and USKA National Points Kumite Champion for 9 consecutive years. His accomplishments in other organizations include winning the PKC Internationals Kumite Grand Champion Title 9 years in a row, being a 3-Time USA Karate National Champion, 3-Time Ozawa Cup International Champion, & he has over 200 Grand Champion Titles to his name.

What’s in a Name?
We recently had a conversation about etiquette and the need for it. Specifically, the correct way to address others in karate.
So, what is the correct way to address others in karate? If you are a parent – you don’t have to comply with what a student should do. But…..it might be a good example for your child.
Do be more polite rather than less.Do use Sir and Ma’m when you don’t know someone.If you know their last name, Mr. or Ms. also works really well.Do assume that someone else is a higher rank unless you are positive they are not.Do bow to others, not just higher ranks. I want my students to be the most polite. A lack of etiquette reflects on the teacher. A bow is a handshake and an appropriate way to greet anyone. Especially black belts.Lower ranks always bow first.
Don’t refer to someone by first name if you are a youth or a lower rank.It is always Mr. or Ms.Don’t refer to other adults and higher ranks by their first name, in public, even if you are close friends or the same rank. Remember that you are setting an example.
As Nationals is coming up please remember your etiquette. Many of our higher ranks in the ASKA and USKA are very nice and personable. This could give you the feeling that you can be more personal with them. This is not the case. You may hear adults talking about other’s by first names, but it is not appropriate. Especially at a karate tournament or function.Please recognize members of the Organization, members of the Hall of Fame, and the Bushido Kai, with a bow and correctly address them.Even higher ranks should refer to each other appropriately in a formal setting.